Eternal Life Spiritualist Church Driffield. We offer a public demonstration of mediumship every Sunday from 7pm to approximately 7.45pm
This is in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Our resident clairvoyant brings names through and other detail that help confirm if a loved one or good friend has safely passed across to Heaven
At 7.45 pm refreshments are served and we try to give everyone a chance to speak individually and privately to our resident clairvoyant for a personal reading. This can be to continue a mediumship reading, a psychic reading or a future Life Plan reading. We also offer faith healing. As a Church we give our readings and services free. We close at 9pm.
The Eternal Life Christian Spiritualist Church is also known as Driffield Spiritualist Church.
We were established in August 2008 and have since given over ten thousand readings free of charge.
We welcome local people and have also been pleased to help many others who have travelled from other towns and cities to join our meeting.
All welcome without prior appointment.
Enquiries please text: 07809 291928
We do not speak to the dead. Our Guardian Angels bring through messages from loved ones who have made it safely across to Heaven.
This form of clairvoyance is powerful and our resident clairvoyant has received national acclaim
We offer faith healing for those who request. This is often proved to be very effective, and sometimes almost miraculous. However, we always recommend seeking professional medical treatment first.
We are from an active Christian background, yet things like mediumship readings are classed as Spiritualism. We run our Church, not to preach religion, but simply to help people in a way that is hard to find elsewhere
We each have a Life Plan that was determined in Heaven before we were born. Our Life Plan will include positive achievements planned for our life. This includes things we will do and people we will meet. We may have fallen off the path of our Life Plan so that our life up to now may have been tough and disappointing.
Rob Mason can clairvoyantly see your Life Plan and see some of the positive future for you. This can change your future life to bring greater happiness and fulfilment.
Most people reach a Heaven-like place at the end of physical life. We do not have to hold religious beliefs to reach Heaven, but we do have to have some goodness in our soul. We are loved unconditionally and retain our memories and character. Mediumship abilities help connect with them. There are many places in Heaven. First Heaven is what we name as the first place we go to. It is very real and can have places such as gardens, landscapes and homes to help us orienate. We can appear as we did in life or simply as a ball of energy. We will be accompanied by our Guardian Angel, and will be met by loved ones who have passed.
Spiritual healing energies have been recognised by eastern healing teachings for thousands of years. These energies are real. We channel these energies to bring healing to yourself and others.
Premonitions of the future can be taken seriously. They often given as warnings so that future negative events situations can be avoided
Those who attend our Church regularly may develop spiritually and start to sense Angels, especially our Guardian Angels. We may sense them as they try to help us. They may not appear with wings, but as radiant beings from a Heaven-like place. We become more intuitive, and our life life can become calmer and more fulfilling.
Developing spiritually helps attain a Lightworker gift to help others in need and discover how we can connect with Heaven. Our spiritual senses may begin to experience an opening-up. New feelings within us help our understanding and personal beliefs that we each are an eternal soul that lives forever!
Our development teachings can move more rapidly than a personal ability to change within. Such spiritual changes can be reasonably quick, or may take several months. Over a period of years you may progress to study our teachings about the meaning of life!
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